Drew was scheduled to fly in today and he gets released in one hour! I am so excited it unreal. Actually kinda sick right now, due to nervousness. If you have ever been around me when I get nervous, which is pretty rare, this is a normal reaction. I am coming home to visit this weekend and to hear his homecoming talk! If you don't know who I am talking about, because two years is a dang long time. I dated Drew back in 2006-2007 before he left for his mission. He is an awesome guy, a builder, and the best guy I have ever dated. He treated me better than anyone had before or has since. He was my best friend. This is why I am so excited to get to talk to him tonight on the phone!!!!! And even more so, see him on Sunday. Who knows what the future will bring, but if it's right, then it will be right. And if not, I'm then I will be fine! I am just so glad that with all his health issues he was blessed to serve a full time mission! WELCOME HOME DREW! I MISSED YOU!
This was a long time ago, but one of my favorite pictures of us (cause he looks so cute) at a BYU preference dance!