Tuesday, April 7, 2009

He's Home!!!!!!!!!

Drew was scheduled to fly in today and he gets released in one hour! I am so excited it unreal. Actually kinda sick right now, due to nervousness. If you have ever been around me when I get nervous, which is pretty rare, this is a normal reaction. I am coming home to visit this weekend and to hear his homecoming talk! If you don't know who I am talking about, because two years is a dang long time. I dated Drew back in 2006-2007 before he left for his mission. He is an awesome guy, a builder, and the best guy I have ever dated. He treated me better than anyone had before or has since. He was my best friend. This is why I am so excited to get to talk to him tonight on the phone!!!!! And even more so, see him on Sunday. Who knows what the future will bring, but if it's right, then it will be right. And if not, I'm then I will be fine! I am just so glad that with all his health issues he was blessed to serve a full time mission! WELCOME HOME DREW! I MISSED YOU!

This was a long time ago, but one of my favorite pictures of us (cause he looks so cute) at a BYU preference dance!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ultimate Slacker

I am the ultimate slacker. My last post was in October! Gee Whiz! But with the combination of a new computer and being stuck @ home sick with a fever and runny nose, I decided to post something! This weeked, on Saturday, I attended the military ball. See Andrew found a date and was planning on going and I got jealous. I mean, after highschool, when do you ever get to get all gussied up and go out? So Andrew recruited Derek to join in the ball fun as my date. There were 3 couples, and we rented a limo and went to Tucanos! My favorite place! From there we made our way over to the capital building where the ball was held. It was beautiful! They had a traditional band and a rock band to get your groove on it. It was one of the most fun nights ever! Here are just a few of the hundreds of photos that we snapped that night.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Halloween Party!

Jake and Crystal are known for there couples costumes come Halloween. This year was no different! They threw a Halloween party on Saturday complete with a haunted scavenger hunt and yummy treats! Here are just a few photo's from it. And it's no wonder the hosts won the costume contest!


Friday, October 24, 2008

Stolen Off My Sisters Blogs

Here I sit in my cubicle, starring at my double monitors, and I realize I haven't had a post in a month. I have come to the conclusion that I have had tons to write about, just too lazy to do it. Now I am at work, trying to get through my Friday cheerfully, and stealing ideas of my sisters (in-law) blogs. I hate saying "in-law" by the way. They are my family anyway you put it, and the in-law part just makes it seem like it's forced and there isn't any love to back it up! But being the youngest in a large family, with big age gaps, I have in-laws that have been part of the family almost as long as me, or at least as long as I can remember. These wonderful women keep my brothers happy, and give me my beautiful beyond belief nieces and nephews! Granted I am a little short on nephews, 9 nieces and 5 nephews, with one nephew on the way! And one gender undetermined on the way! I just thought I would tell my family I love them, since I went off on this tangent! :) And post what I came here to do.

Where is your cell phone? Desk
Where is your significant other? somewhere
Your hair color? untouched
Your mother? unconditional
Your father? Devoted
Your favorite thing? dance
Your dream last night? non-existent
Your dream/goal? marriage?
The room you’re in? office
Your hobby? dance
Your fear? snakes
Where do you want to be in 6 years? California
Where were you last night? Eighties
What you’re not? decisive
One of your wish-list items? IPOD
Where you grew up? Fresno
The last thing you did? work
What are you wearing? jeans
Your TV? Monster
Your pet? Shoes
Your computer? entertaining
Your mood? Tired
Your car? problems
Something you’re not wearing? earrings
Favorite store? Buckle
Your summer? work
Love someone? lots
Your favorite color? blue
When is the last time you laughed? today
Last time you cried? Yesterday

Saturday, September 27, 2008

For the friend I have had the longest... :)

This post is for Megan Janelle. I love you Megs, and we have been friends a really long time, since before young woman's began. We have had ups ands downs galore. Been friends through good times and bad. I'm so proud of you and the person you are. So blessed to have been friends with you for so long. I know right now, things are tough, and thats an understatement. You are a stong young woman, and as you put one foot in front of the other and put all your trust in the Lord, you'll be blessed. The Lord's time is different than ours, and patience is something most of us struggle with. But you are a beautiful daughter of our heavenly father, with amzing divine and eternal potentional. So many people love and adore you. Your outgoing, loud, friendly, enthusiastic personality is magnentic and draws people to want to get to know you better. Keep smiling that gorgeous smile! With the light of Christ present in your life, you are more beautiful than you'll ever know. I love you so much sister. Thank you for all the good times and the great times to come. Here is just a few pictures I could find, some of them 3 years old. :)



Tuesday, September 23, 2008

My High School Senior Year Survey

Take this fun survey about and reflect on your senior year.

What school year was it? 2005- 2006

Who was your best friend? Courtney Cardoza

What sports did you play? I played Volleyball and I cheered. :)

What kind of car did you drive? White Toyota Camry w/ the red racing stripe!

Friday night where were u? Cruising Blackstone, or a football or basketball game cheering.

Were you a party animal? Not at all. Being the sober driver gets old quick.

Were you in the "In Crowd"? I was pretty much in everyone's crowd. Courtney and I were just friends with everyone. From the jocks, to the band kids, to some of the gangsters.

Ever skip school? Of course.

Ever smoke? Ew, gross.

Were you a nerd? Nope.

Did you get suspended/expelled? Not a chance

Can you sing the Alma Mater? I don't even know our Alma Mater. I don't think we have one. I mean I am sure we do, but no one knows it.

Who was your favorite teacher? Senior Year? Mr. Sherron.

Favorite class? Video Production.

What was your schools full name? Washington Union High School

School mascot? Purple Panthers!!

Did you go to Prom? Of course, and it was a blast!!!! The senior guys were taking their sweet time deciding who to ask, so me and my friends beat them to it and asked the cutest, most awesome sophomore guys to go with us. And they were so excited, so it was sooo much fun!

If you could go back and do it over, would you? You can't go back, but it was definitely fun and I loved it!!!!!! So yeah I guess so.

What do you remember most about graduation? Singing the national anthem and being so dang nervous, and then they lit off fireworks behind me and I had no idea and got so scared!

Favorite memory of your Senior Year? Too many too name; rallies, sports, Santa Cruz, Disneyland, Prom, Formal.... I could go on and on.

Were you ever posted up on the senior wall? We don't have a senior wall..

Did you have a job your senior year? Nope, just workin on the farm once in a while.. I was too busy to sleep almost, haha.

Who did you date? Everyone. But not any ONE.

Where did you go most often for lunch? My house. and the Taco Truck.

Have you gained weight since then? Nope. Little thinner if anything.

What did you do after graduation? Packed up and moved to Provo, Utah to go to summer semester @ BYU

About Me Survey AKA Bored @ Work.

Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work?:: yes
What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated?:: 6 years
Ever been in a car wreck?:: Yes. Megan and I totalled her car last June.
Were you popular in high school?:: I would say so, just because I was involved in everything!
Have you ever been on a blind date?:: Ha, yes I have.
Are looks important?:: To a certain existent
Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more??:: Yes, but we rarely get the chance to talk.
By what age would you like to be married?:: by 23 at least.
Have you ever made a mistake?:: What a retarded question.... No I have never made a mistake, of course I am perfect! And so humble!
Are you a good tipper?:: Yes, at least 20% always.
What's the most you have spent for a haircut?:: like 30 bucks.
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?:: I am sure I have but I can't really remember any specifics.
Have you ever peed in public?:: It's not public if it's night time and your camping right?
What song do you want played at your funeral?:: yikes I have no idea.
What would your last meal be before getting executed?:: Chocolate everything.. And Pizza, and Mac and Cheese, and a delicious salad and then panda express :)
Beatles or Stones?:: Beatles
If you had to pick one person on earth to die, who?:: That is a horrible question, probably Obama. JK... I have no idea.
Beer, wine or hard liquor?:: uh I don't see diet mountain dew on that list!
Do you have any phobias?:: I hate snakes... with a passion, I mean despise snakes.
What are your plans for the future?:: Dental assisting, and then dental hygiene, get married, have lots of little kids and be an awesome mom.
Do you walk around the house naked?:: Not usually. People tend to just walk in my house, so that wouldn't be a very good idea.
If you were an animal what would you be?:: a zebra, cause i love zebra print!!!! ha
Hair color you like on someone you're dating?:: well i like it all, but blonde would be ideal, so I can preserve the blonde gene and pass it to my kids.
Would you rather be blind or deaf?:: blind I think.. I love music!!!!!
Do you have any special talents?:: Special? Well i am pretty flexible, dance pretty well, and can make a lot of people smile.. Do those count? ha
What do you do as soon as you walk in the house?:: Take my shoes off and then put my purse down.
Do you like horror or comedy?:: Comedy
Are you missing anyone?:: Drew currently. Just realized he only has a little over 5 months left out in the field. And I always miss Courtney and Megan, my friends still in California. And I miss my parents. You don't realize how much they support you and all they do for you, till they aren't around you anymore.
Where do you want to live when you are old?:: California. Somewhere close to the majority of my family. I love them!
Who is the person you can count on the most?:: My mom and dad. Friends come and go unfortunately, but my parent's are stuck loving me for an eternity!
What did you dream last night?:: Who knows? I hardly ever remember them!
What is your favorite sport to watch?:: NBA Basketball or College Football.
Are you named after anyone?:: Yes, my mom and my aunt. My mom's middle name is Dee, and my aunt's is Ann.
What is your favorite alcoholic drink?:: haha, again w/ the alcohol and I have NO clue.
Non alcoholic drink?:: Diet MD or Powerade Zero. mmmm delicious.
Have you ever been in love?:: Yes
Do you sing in the shower?:: Of course!!!!
What is your favorite Holiday?:: Christmas and HALLOWEEN
Would you ever get plastic surgery?:: Kinda already had some... Just to fix my face though, after those girls beat it in.
Have you ever caught a fish?:: Nope, not patient enough to fish....

Well guys, this is what happens when you get bored at work! But maybe you learned something else about me! I really like these survey type deals, cause they give me questions I don't usually think about. Plus, when I can't think of anything to blog, these are pretty helpful!